DIVS - Modern and Useful Cryptocurrency Exchange

7 min readFeb 7, 2021

DIVS — An Easy-to-use Cryptocurrency Exchange Thаt Rewards Users in Tron Every Week.

Cryptocurrency exchange platforms аrе places whеrе crypto users саn exchange thеіr cryptocurrency assets fоr оthеr crypto-cryptocurrencies оr fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency exchange platforms mаkе іt vеrу easy fоr crypto users tо bе аblе tо exchange оr trade thеіr assets. Currently, thеrе аrе twо types оf exchange platforms operating іn thе market, nаmеlу centralized аnd decentralized exchange platforms. Bоth hаvе thе ѕаmе function but hаvе dіffеrеnt bases. Usually, а centralized exchange platform іѕ controlled bу а сеrtаіn party. And fоr а decentralized exchange platform, іt іѕ аn automated platform, thе user іѕ іn full control оf assets, trades, аnd more

Today mаnу cryptocurrency exchange platforms аrе operating іn thе market thаt offers crypto users innovative features аnd solutions. Sоmе names lіkе Binance, EtherDelta, аnd Bithumb аrе cryptocurrency exchange platforms thаt аrе аlrеаdу popular іn thе market. However, wе ѕее thаt thеѕе platforms dо nоt offer easability, scalability, аnd user incentives. Evеn thоugh thеѕе thrее features аrе vеrу important, еѕресіаllу іn crypto adoption.

At Divs we believe crypto adoption comes with easability, scalability, and user incentives. By designing Divs around just this, we have delivered an easy-to-use exchange exchange fees. With our exchange easily integratable into any website or app, other projects can also provide their users with the same exchange experience, giving an easy on-ramp into their ecosystems. With these metrics in place, we can efficiently scale the Divs business model to generate more volume and more rewards.

How it Works of DIVS ?

  • A New Concept
    Divs, The first exchange to reward users with the exchange fees. We’ve changed the old concept of the exchange rewarding users to personally exchange large amounts of cryptocurrency only to discount future trades. Instead we tally up the majority exchange fees equivalent to .5% of the total exchange volume and distribute it to the DIVS tokens holders who stake. This allows users to buy DIVS tokens and earn exchange fees as weekly rewards in Tron. Staking enough Divs tokens could earn you even more in rewards then you are paying in exchange fees, making exchanges virtually free and then some!
  • DIVS as a Service
    Divs integration services can provide other crypto projects and websites with the same exchange service directly integrated into their sites, even with their own look, feel and coins. Thus providing project owners with an onramp, driving users with other coins/tokens into their ecosystems with ease. Project owners can then buy DIVS tokens, stake, and generate weekly Tron rewards for their own team or community. These integrations can give projects a consistent stream of Tron rewards, while strengthening the Divs ecosystem by providing more exchange volume and more Tron rewards.
  • The Pinnacle of DIVS
    Our finite token supply, rewards in Tron, and distributed exchange will be the pinnacle to our success at divs.io. By generating rewards in another cryptocurrency other than our own allows users the possibility to receive rewards without the DIVS token supply inflating. This also gives users the ability to buy more DIVS tokens with their weekly Tron rewards, compounding their DIVS tokens and creating positive price movement. As the Divs exchange gets integrated into more projects its coverage and volume will also scale, as do the amount of project owners who will need to buy DIVS tokens to earn the Tron rewards. In all these fundamentals will bring excellent sustainability to the Divs ecosystem and exchange integrated partners.

Advantages of DIVS
⦁ Low Fees from 1%, with no sign-up or registration needed.
⦁ Using a trusted 3rd party API for processing exchanges.
⦁ Exchanging is easy and completed in as little as 5–30mins.
⦁ Over 200 of your favorite coins/tokens to exchange from
⦁ Become a token holder and receive weekly rewards in Tron.

**Presale details and token/funds allocation: **
Minimum purchase per round: 2,000

TRON Maximum purchase per round: 350,000 TRON

Round 1

Time limit : 24hours ~ 1 day
● 1 TRON = .28 DIVS ~ 1 DIVS = 3.57 TRON
● Amount of Divs tokens for sale : 1,250,000
● Amount of Tron to complete this round : 4,462,500

Round 2

Time limit : 48hours ~ 2 days
● 1 Tron = .18 DIVS ~ 1 DIVS = 5.35Tron
● Divs tokens for sale this round : 1,250,000
● Amount of Tron to complete this round : 6,687,500

Round 3

Time limit : 48hours ~ 2 days
● 1 Tron = .14 DIVS ~ 1 DIVS = 7.15Tron
● Divs tokens for sale this round : 1,250,000
● Amount of tron to complete this round : 8,937,500

Round 4

Time limit : 72hours ~ 3 days
● 1 Tron = .11 DIVS ~ 1 DIVS = 8.93Tron
● Divs tokens for sale this round : 1,250,000
● Amount of tron to complete this round : 11,162,500
All 4 rounds = 5,000,000 DIVS tokens ~ 31,250,000 TRON
● Soft cap : 3,750,000 DIVS tokens ~ 20,087,500 TRON
● Hard cap : 5,000,000 DIVS tokens ~ 31,250,000 TRON

Justswap.io list price and liquidity :
● 1 Tron = .0933 DIVS ~ 1 DIVS = 10.714 Tron
● 1,500,000 Divs tokens and 16,071,429 Tron in liquidity

DIVS Tokenomics is based on a finite supply of 10,000,000 tokens, all of which will be circulating never to be burnt or minted again. This gives Divs scarcity and creates value as it becomes more rare over the long term. Creating DIVS with a finite supply made it so the staking pool would never dilute-out early stakers by inflation, or under reward later stakers due to deflation. This makes for a fair staking system rewarding users in Tron and not DIVS tokens, keeping DIVS finite while still being able to provide rewards. This allows users to sell their Tron rewards without ever applying sell pressure on DIVS or use their Tron rewards to buy more DIVS tokens creating positive price movement and generating themselves more rewards for the following week.


Each exchange has a minimum 1% fee:Exchange fees vary depending on how the trade was executed and the cryptocurrencies involved in the trade. The API uses multiple centralized exchanges to perform trades and can even arbitrage from one exchange to another. Coins/tokens experiencing high network congestion may affect the overall fees.

● 5% goes to the DIVS token holders who stake
● 4%+ goes to our API provider for processing the exchange
● 09% goes to the DIVS team
● 01% will be used for buybacks and adding liquidity
● $450k will be paired with TRX and provided as liquidity on Justswap immediately after the presale is over.

Token Allocation

Token Distribution

All USD Values Were Based On Tron’s Price At $0,028.

Presale Funds Allocation


Q1-DIVS.io V2. Website is launched Jan 2
Q1-Integrate the Divs exchange with other companies websites, apps & dapps generating more volume
Q1-The DIVS Token and staking contract is Set to launch in Q1 2021
Q1-The DIVS Token Presale launches on Jan 9th
Q1-Last DIVS on Justswap.io after the presale, then run a marketing campaign to build adoption
Q2-DIVS mobile app to launch in Q2
Q2-V1. Website & exchange API development & integration
Q2-Build a core compounding contract as on edition to the ecosystem
Q3-The DIVS.io V1 . website and exchange is Launched
Q4-Development of the Divs rewards smart contract & UI

The best part about Div is that we can Scale it, the Div integration service can provide crypto projects and other websites with the same exchange services integrated directly into their site, even with their own look, feel and coins. It provides project owners onramp, pointing users with other coins / tokens into their ecosystem easily. Project owners can then purchase DIVS tokens, stake, and generate weekly Tron prizes for their team or community. This integration can provide a consistent flow of Tron reward projects, while strengthening the Divs ecosystem by generating more volume of Tron rewards and exchanges.

Thank you for reading the review of a very innovative platform, namely DIVS, if you want to find out more you can visit the link below :

● Website : https://www.divs.io/
● Telegram : https://t.me/Divs_official
● Twitter : https://twitter.com/DivsExchange
● Whitepaper : https://divs.io/Whitepaper.pdf

Author : roses80

My BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2759948

My TRX : TMfxXx8SFkgboFTgWgMBwi2h4SBgSyPF3P

